What is your bandwidth?
We have 3 x 1 Gbps links to our upstream providers with 1.2 Gbps committed bandwidth. We don’t share (and thus, oversell) bandwidth, neither do we commit (and dedicate) throughput to each customer. We will upgrade and increase bandwidth as we grow. We will ensure that we have more than double the utilized average capacity. At the moment we have three 100 Mbps dedicated connections so if you can pull in 100 Mbps (depending on your upstream) you will be able to receive that. More importantly, we can scale up to 10 Gbps as the data center has sufficient fiber. Put another way you won’t be seeing performance differentials between another Singapore provider or SimplerCloud as far as bandwidth is concerned.
If you are seeing different results, we’re happy to help you with best-effort troubleshooting if you log a request through our customer portal and provide us the necessary contextual details.
SimplerCloud Singapore Network Connectivity
Our Singapore network is hosted in 1-Net Singapore data center, allowing us to have connections to both SingNet/SingTel and Starhub network via 1-Net.
On top of that, we also have transit connectivity to Hurricane Electric (HE), a leading and tier-1 global Internet service provider, providing us with great Internet connectivity around the globe. Hurricane Electric is the world’s top #1 most connected IPv4 Internet Backbone Network and the #1 largest and most connected IPv6 Internet Backbone Network.
Last but not least, we are also connected to and a member of Singapore Internet Exchange (SGIX), allowing us to have diverse connections to major networks and service providers in Singapore and the region. Full list below.
Transit Backbone Networks
- 1-Net Singapore – (see network)
- SingNet / SingTel (via 1-Net) – (see network)
- StarHub (via 1-Net) – (see network)
- Hurricane Electric – (see network)
Singapore Internet Exchange (SGIX)
Within Singapore Internet Exchange (SGIX) network, we are connected to these networks:
- Akamai Technologies
- Alibaba
- Amazon
- Apple Computer
- Campana MYTHIC
- China Telecom
- Cloudflare
- Cyber Network Indonesia
- Digisat (Indonesia)
- Globe Telecom
- Hong Kong Broadband Network
- Huawei
- Indosat Singapore
- IX Telecom
- LeaseWeb Network
- Level3 Carrier
- LGA Telecom
- M1
- Mobicom Networks
- MyRepublic
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
- NAP Info Lintas Nusa / Matrix (Indonesia)
- National University of Singapore (NUS) Gigapop
- Netpluz Asia
- New Media Express
- OVHcloud
- Pacific Internet
- Packet Clearing House
- PCCW Global (Hong Kong)
- PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta
- PT Cyberindo Aditama
- PT Mora Telematika (Indonesia)
- Radius Telecoms
- Shanghai Internet Exchange
- SIMBA Telecom
- SingAREN
- SkyTel Communications
- SuperInternet ACCESS
- Swiss Networking Solutions
- Tata Communications
- Telegram
- Telekom Malaysia
- Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telin)
- Tencent
- TIME (Malaysia)
- True Internet
- Verisign
- ViewQWest
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Yahoo